Friday, February 10, 2017

Jr High Uniform Turn In

JR HIGH Thursday 2/16/17
Please attend uniform turn at 6pm in the team room. You must wash all items before you return. If it is not it will be returned to you to clean.  If you did not receive your pictures you need to turn your uniform in. You MAY NOT turn it into the office unless you reach out to Coach Grazer via text or phone call to make that arrangement.

Monday, February 6, 2017

YAIAA Round 1

Varsity will be cheering at West York in the first YAIAA game on Saturday at 6pm. We will have practice from 3:30- 4:45pm before getting on the bus at 4:50pm. This is pending approval. If your child is not riding the bus home, they will need a form from the office. Girls please dress in Warm Ups and Eastern T shirt for school Friday.