Hello Parents!
We appreciate your patience during this transition and wanted to give you some updates and introductions.
First, we’d like to thank Coach Thoman for starting the season off, and wish her the best of luck! Secondly, we’d like to welcome Coach Jones back to the program. For those who don’t know Coach Jones, a brief introduction. Coach Jones has seven years of varsity cheerleading coaching experience, including the past four years here at Eastern. She is excited to be back in the program working with all the athletes and leading the Jr H cheerleaders to a successful season.
As we work through this transition there will be some changes beginning with the practice on 9/19/17.
All cheerleaders are expected:
To have a ribbon in their hair at each practice. All hair must be up and off their shoulders.
To have no jewelry on whatsoever. Leave it at home. Coaches are not responsible for lost items.
To keep their phones in their cheer bags. We have a lot of work to do and no time for distractions.
Varsity is expected to fill out their work out schedule for each practice.
To come prepared to work. Following directions the first time, giving their best effort, and showing respect is expected at all times.
Communication will be done via
Blog: http://easternyorkcheer.blogspot.com/
Varsity: EYHS Cheer
Jr H: EMS Cheer
Please use the new blue calendar that came with this letter.
Coach Grazer and Coach Jones are thrilled to be together working with the girls! Can’t wait to show you their new skills as they progress throughout the season!
Thank you!