Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Practice Schedule

Competition will be later in September. <-- If you are only doing Comp you must continue to work out and please go to the bottom of this page to order your clothing.

There will be no more noon workouts after today, July 16th.

July 22nd, 23rd, 24th 6-8pm
July 29th, 30th, 31st 6-8pm (Most likely outside)
August 6th, 7th, 8th 6-8pm
August 13th 6-8pm
August 14th Parent Meeting 6pm followed by practice until 8pm
August 15th Meet The Team (details TBA)

Clothing order form:
The following is required for JR H and Varsity
(Competition order your stuff NOW)
Cheer Shoes (they do not have to be new, but you must have cheer shoes, not regular sneakers)
Gold Shorts (make sure you order these, most places in the area do not carry our gold)
Bow (Varsity- You must order new bows, you cannot use your ones from last year, Jr H will be using the same Navy bow)
Varsity-- You may be required to order a liner this year, please put your sizing in the box and we'll be in touch with a decision ASAP

You must pay in cash and bring your cash to the parent meeting.


Any questions please get in touch with Coach Grazer.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Workout Updates!

This is all football and competition Varsity cheerleaders.
All practices are at noon and will take approximately 1.5 hours. We have several driving seniors, please carpool if possible.
Jr H you are welcome to attend but attendance will not be taken, it's your choice.

July 2nd
July 9th - 6pm with Coach Grazer in the HS Wrestling Room
July 16th

If you are on vacation etc please contact Coach Grazer to let her know. If you are doing Jason's workouts more than once a week (we have a couple people signed up for two-four days a week) you do not need to attend, please let Coach Jones know to not expect you.

These are all Tuesdays, on Thursdays you will be required to do an at home workout and check in with a picture on the Band App.

Thursday Workouts:
You can choose one of these:

Fundraising Info:
We're still working on dates for these events with the school district. Please stay tuned for details, but we probably won't have information until after July 15th. Little kid camp will probably have to be in late August at this point or even September. We'll keep you posted!